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Golden Book 3rd May 2024

10 May 2024 (by admin)


Katie has been a superstar this week.  She asked some very good questions about chickens and then talked about the life cycle of a chicken.   She was good at observing what the chickens looked like and then used this observation in her painting.

In repeated patterns Katie made several abb, abb patterns and then completed a pattern challenge with her friends. Well Done Katie


This term Oakleaze Class have been reading the novel ‘Tom’s Midnight Garden’ as their class book.  We have been thinking about how the author has helped the reader understand Tom’s character.  Annabelle is really enjoying listening to the story and is intrigued to find out more about the possible ghosts in the garden.  She used evidence in the text to explain Tom’s personality andcan explain what kind of boy he is.  Super thinking, Annabelle.

Charlie GB

Charlie you have been working so hard in class.  In Maths you have been working on fractions and have a really good understanding of halves and quarters and are able to discuss how they relate to one another.  In English you have been working on fronted adverbials and how to show a character’s emotions in your writing, successfully using some ambitious language.  You take a great interest in our Topics and are very keen to contribute to our shared sessions.  Great work Charlie!


Isla, consistently puts her ‘absolute all’ into all of her learning. She will always strive to achieve the challenges in the lessons and pushes herself to reach her full potential. She takes pride in her work and her presentation is always amazing. For the last few weeks, we have been learning ‘A word a day ‘ and also new language linked to our English text.  Isla has been using and applying this learnt language within her writing. Well done Isla – we think you are amazing! 


April has shown fantastic aspiration in all her learning across the curriculum this term, producing thorough and well thought-out work.  April has shown particular confidence in Maths, applying her skills and knowledge well in reasoning tasks and consistently completing extension and challenge tasks.   April is such a kind and considerate pupil and always

readily extends friendship to all.  You are a great Year 6 role model April, well done!