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Oakleaze Islamic Talk

6 February 2024 (by admin)

This term Oakleaze and Silver Classes have been finding out about the ancient Islamic Civilizations and the city of Baghdad in their history topic lessons.  In RE we have learned more about the Prophet Mohammed and the rise of Islam during the Golden Age which began in 570AD. Last Friday we were lucky indeed as Nicholas Johnson, along with mum, Mrs Johnson presented a fascinating talk about life in an Islamic country.  The Johnson family moved to Minety after a period of time living and working in Oman, where they experienced the culture and festivals surrounding the beliefs and faiths of Muslim followers.  Nicholas described the climate, landscape and geography of the country of Oman, as well as giving us an insight into his life at school there. Mrs Johnson expanded on this with details, stories and anecdotes of their time abroad, and described many of the festivals and religious practices of Oman.  They also had some interesting items to share with us: real frankincense and other powders for incense burning, a super coffee pot and small cup and a beautiful wooden box. 

We all got a much clearer idea of life for Muslims living and worshiping today and had plenty of questions to be answered.  Our thanks to Nicholas and his mum for giving up time to share their experiences with us.