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  2. Golden Book 02/02/24

Golden Book 02/02/24

2 February 2024 (by admin)


Oakleaze Class have been enthralled by our class novel ‘The Girl Who Speaks Bear’. To increase our understanding of this exciting text, we have been answering different types of questions and working hard to write complete and full sentences to explain our comprehension.  Amelie has produced some excellent answers, showing her understanding of this book and always making sure her work is well presented.  Superb work, Amelie.


Claudia you have been trying really hard with your learning this week.  In maths you started your work independently and thought carefully about fact families, trying to complete those tricky ones!  In writing you collected lots of language to describe your alien and are now using that language to write expanded noun phrases.  Well done Claudia, keep it up.


Henry has been very busy this week.  He made a picture of a winter tree, thinking about what it would look like (no leaves) and the different parts of a tree (roots, trunk, branches). 

He also helped us make an exploding class volcano and then made his own picture of a volcano – he then did some writing to go with his picture.

Henry has also been trying really hard to learn his letter sounds and with his reading – well done Henry


Ari works incredibly hard in each and every lesson. This week he has  produced some great writing showing his knowledge of expanded noun phrases. In his maths lessons, he has been working methodically to accurately add different amounts of money and work out the change.

In DT, he planned a detailed design of a space rocket and followed his design to create a brilliant rocket. Ari, you are always showing our value of aspiration and you are always  striving to achieve.



Bella is such a conscientious pupil and always works hard in all areas of the curriculum.  It has been great to see Bella really aspire to reach her own personal goals this term: she is starting to put her hand up more to answer questions and has really focused on her handwriting too.  Bella has written a super fable and has taken great care when publishing her work.  You have also shown resilience in achieving these goals Bella – well done!